Hi folks. I'm looking for setup information using the Verizon Actiontec MI424WR router I'm saddled with for Apple's Back to My Mac. I'm familiar with port forwarding. Can anyone provide detailed instructions or an email for Verizon support. I would think there would be info on this fairly common q

Apr 07, 2017 · Your QNAP NAS is Mac-friendly and has full compatibility with Time Machine. This tutorial teaches you how to automatically back up photos, music files, videos, documents, settings and applications from your Mac to your QNAP NAS, using the protocol SMB. Prerequisites: A Mac computer running macOS 10.12 Sierra or later. Dec 15, 2016 · Doesn't mean my setup is the best for you. Important files which you cannot afford to lose should be in 3 places: the original in your computer, on a backup, and in the cloud should the house burn down and you lose both the other ones. Aug 09, 2010 · This would be fine in any other circumstance, however, I use Back to My Mac, and I need my Time Capsule to be the dominant router. The other reason why this is an issue is because the U-Verse Router does not support uPNP at all. To get Back to My Mac working you need an Apple Router, or a router that supports uPNP. Left is my Beige G3, on the right at the bottom is my performa 636, and on top is a quadra 610 that I've been working on. I just recapped the board so it's fully functional again, but the original hard drive isn't working. I need to crack it open again and fully replace the bumpers inside since they turned completely into goo. May 11, 2020 · Restoring your Mac to its factory settings will erase all your data from the hard drive as well as your preferences and customized settings. You can fix a number of technical issues by restoring a

May 11, 2020 · Restoring your Mac to its factory settings will erase all your data from the hard drive as well as your preferences and customized settings. You can fix a number of technical issues by restoring a

I wanted to show the terminal setup I use for my dev environment. I have the same setup whether I’m on Mac or linux (Ubuntu) – but below is the setup I like to use on my Macbook Pro. iTerm2 Instead of using the default terminal that’s built into MacOS, I love to use iTerm2. This is because iTerm2 allows for tons of customized Sep 06, 2019 · It is easy use your WD My Passport for Mac and Windows in 7 steps. You’ll find other documents on the site all about your WD My Passport portable external hard drive. Why not take a look: Format WD My Passport for Mac, 10 Quick Steps. How to Use WD My Passport for Mac 5 Ways No Anger. Partition WD My Passport For Mac, Teach Yourself in 10 Steps Nov 09, 2011 · 1. Back to My Mac is enabled through System Preferences. Navigate to the iCloud pane and check the box beside Back to My Mac. After a few seconds the progress spinner will disappear and the

Jan 15, 2020 · Do not back up files to the same hard disk that Windows is installed on. For example, do not back up files to a recovery partition. Always store media used for backups (external hard disks, DVDs, or CDs) in a secure place to prevent unauthorized people from having access to your files; a fireproof location separate from your computer is recommended.

Mar 06, 2020 · Best Ways to Back up Your Mac iMore 2020. One of the most important things that you need to do with your Mac is — and I can't stress how important it is — backing up. No matter who you are or what you do for a living, chances are high that you pretty much have your life on your Mac, or at least close to it. Jan 12, 2018 · 1) My Visual Studio Code Setup 2) My Mac Setup 3 4 3) My Git Aliases 4) My Shell Aliases 5) Frontend Developer Resources 6) Pock an awesome utility for the Mac Touchbar Maybe I should start a series called “Not just a Gist”, as I’m slowly converting gists of mine to blog posts. How to Back Up Your Computer with Time Machine. Mac macOS (10.5 and above) has an excellent built-in backup tool called Time Machine. Once you plug in a hard drive and set up Time Machine, it will work automatically in the background, continuously saving copies of all your files, applications, and system files (i.e., most everything except for the stuff you likely don’t need to back up, such Jan 15, 2020 · Do not back up files to the same hard disk that Windows is installed on. For example, do not back up files to a recovery partition. Always store media used for backups (external hard disks, DVDs, or CDs) in a secure place to prevent unauthorized people from having access to your files; a fireproof location separate from your computer is recommended.