Google and the NSA Connection - BATR

How the CIA made Google. Inside the secret network behind Jan 22, 2015 Suppressed History: How the CIA and NSA Helped Create Sputnik International. In commemoration of Google's 20th birthday, many mainstream media organizations - and the company itself - have published condensed histories of the search engine giant, chronicling key moments in the firm's two-decade saga. The Google-NSA Alliance: Questions and Answers | PCWorld Feb 04, 2010

Sputnik International. In commemoration of Google's 20th birthday, many mainstream media organizations - and the company itself - have published condensed histories of the search engine giant, chronicling key moments in the firm's two-decade saga.

Feb 04, 2010 · Is the Google-NSA alliance really happening? On the record, no one is saying much. The original story in The Post cites "sources with knowledge of the arrangement " for its information.

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Dec 08, 2017 Confirmed: NSA Paid Google, Microsoft, Others Millions for It looks like the NSA was a little cozier with Silicon Valley companies than we previously realized. Newly declassified documents show that the spy agency (read: taxpayers) paid Google, Facebook, The CIA, the NSA and Google — ClearNFO Jan 26, 2015