Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American whistleblower who copied and leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013 when he was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and subcontractor.

Meltdown Showed Extent of NSA Surveillance — and Other 2019-5-29 · In 1966, a new NSA project was hatched to figure out why an electronic signal under surveillance was “exhibiting parameters outside normal operating conditions,” as an NSA history later put it. NSA surveillance programs Prism and Upstream renewed … 2020-7-16 · NSA surveillance programs live on, in case you hadn't noticed They're the US National Security Agency's Prism and Upstream programs, both of which former NSA contractor Edward Snowden … Snowden and the NSA - Bill of Rights Institute Snowden and the NSA A mere nine months ago no one knew the name Edward Snowden. Now not a week goes by without a news story related to his revelations about the National Security Agency (NSA). No doubt your class has already begun to ponder the implications of NSA …

Edward Snowden revealed the agency’s phone-record tracking program. But thanks to “precomputed contact chaining,” that database was much more powerful than anyone knew.

2020-6-7 · NSA was a GWB present for the American people. It did not exist prior to 9-11. Now that information is being released about Russia and China in Syria, … Statewatch | The Snowden Revelations Congress passes NSA surveillance reform in vindication for Snowden - Bulk collection of Americans’ phone records to end as US Senate passes USA Freedom Act (Guardian, link): "The US Senate on Tuesday passed a bill to end the bulk collection of millions of Americans’ phone records, ushering in the country’s most significant surveillance NSA is concerned Snowden leaks hurt their ability to track

Stories Of The Decade: Edward Snowden And Mass …

NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance 2013-11-1 · NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained Guardian US interactive team and Ewen MacAskill theguardian.com , Friday 1 November 2013 16.21 GMT NSA Surveillance, Edward Snowden and the End of Privacy: A 2017-4-24 · NSA surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden—the man who leaked the doings of the PRISM program to the Guardian’s Glen Greenwald and Laura Poitras—currently has the eyes of the entire world on him. Snowden is an accomplished and self …