Perform a WHOIS search to find out the expiry date, registered owner & technical details of .NL domains from Netherlands.

More accurately: It's a list of domains that the DNS resolver will append to a hostname when attempting to resolve it to an IP address. For example, let's say you manager a bunch of servers at (,,, etc), and you're tired of typing the fully-qualified domain name every time you need to ping them or SSH to them. Domain name system or DNS enables webmasters to locate problems if there are any related to the information provided in the record. To learn about it, enter the URL in the field situated inside the tool and click the “Find DNS Record” button to fetch results in a matter of seconds. Search engines are a popular subdomain enumeration technique. Advantages of this method are that it is a passive search, in other words you are not sending any traffic to the target network or DNS servers. The search engine returns a list of results that contain the domain you are searching on. About MX Lookup Tool. MX Lookup tool provides you information about all the MX records a domain has added in their DNS records. You have to enter a domain name and can quickly check if the email server of that domain is set up correctly and is or is not responding to the incoming emails. Appends the Domain Name System (DNS) domain names in the DNS domain search list to the request until an answer is received. This applies when the set and the lookup request contain at least one period, but do not end with a trailing period.

Register Your Domain Name - Google Domains

Reverse DNS lookup - Wikipedia

Conditional on knowing a site's domain name, DNS ordinarily remains the most efficient way to access that site since a Google search requires at least one additional step. Motivation The purpose of this work is primarily academic -- to document the activity at issue for the benefit of those who seek to make policy decisions on related matters.

Register Your Domain Name - Google Domains Find your place online with a domain from Google, powered by Google reliability, security and performance. Experience speed and security using DNS servers that run on Google infrastructure. Be right there when customers search for businesses like yours Learn more iOS Wifi Connections - Search Domains - Ask Different A search domain is a way to adjust the domain when looking up an address. As in, assist in defining the actual domain name, only having to use part of it in a local network. For example, in some networks, the Search Domain '.local' may be used to append to what a user puts into their URL bar in their browser, like a user can just type 'intranet', but it knows to complete this to 'intranet.local'. Buy Domain Names - Search & Registration |